(972) 727-4415
(972) 848-8953
380 E Bethany Dr Suite 100 Allen, TX 75002
Losing teeth is a life-changing experience, and usually not for the better. Many people are far less confident about smiling when they have an incomplete grin, and the missing teeth will affect your ability to speak and chew properly. It’s best to have a lost tooth replaced immediately, so as soon as you lose a tooth or think you might be in danger of losing one, call Oak Point Dental and set up an appointment with Dr. Ahn to discuss your options.
A dental bridge is a traditional non-removable restoration for replacing a tooth or several teeth in a row. The crowns at either end of the bridge are anchored to your natural teeth so that the prosthetics held between them stay firmly in place at all times. Our dental bridges can be customized to blend in with the rest of your smile, and they’ll let you speak and eat in front of others without having to worry about anyone noticing unsightly gaps in your grin.
Dentures are a removable form of tooth replacement that we typically recommend if you’ve lost too many teeth to be replaced by a single dental bridge. A partial denture can fill in multiple gaps in your smile at once, while a full denture allows us to replace an entire row of teeth with a single cost-effective restoration. Because dentures are made to be taken out of your mouth, you can leave them soaking in cleaning solution at night in order to give the tissues supporting them a break.
Dental implants stand out from other tooth replacement options. They’re made to be placed in the jawbone so that they can act as new tooth roots, which can give any crown, bridge, or denture attached to them extra chewing strength and stability. We work with local specialists who can place your dental implant posts while we handle the process of designing and delivering the final restoration. With this team-based approach, your smile will always be in the care of a knowledgeable expert.
Do you have a question for Dr. Ahn? Would you like to schedule your next appointment? Our team at Oak Point Dental will be happy to answer your questions and meet your needs however we can when you reach out to our dental office.